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Setup Backup - Restore Notifications

On the AxonOps application menu, click Operations -> Backups -> Setup and select Notifications tab.

Notification Severities.

Notification Severities.

For each notifications severity info Info warning Warning error Error you can either use the slider sliderbar to use the default routing or use the editwarningIcon icon to customize the notification integrations.

Notice: editwarningIcon not available when default routing defaultroutingselected selected



Customize Notifications.

To customize notifications click on editwarningIcon select the integrations that you require and click Close.



Noticed: TheWarning Integration were customized. You can remove these by clicking the delbtn.

If you want to remove default routing groups from a severity and create custom groups , use the slider bar to remove default routing click the editwarningIcon and follow this steps

If you do not require any notifications ensure the default routing is off sliderbar and delete any previously created custom notification.

