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LDAP Authentication

To setup LDAP(Lightweight Directory Authentication Protocol) in AxonOps(On Premise Only) you will need to update the axon-server.yml configuration at the following location:


LDAP Fields

All the configuration for the below fields should be provided by the LDAP Server administrator.

  • host : IP Address or Hostname of the LDAP server(A domain controller for LDAP).
  • port : The configured LDAP port of the server.

      Standard Default ports are either 
      - 389(Unencrypted) 
      - 636(Encrypted LDAPS)
      The ports can be changed by LDAP adminstrators.
  • useSSL : true/false - Connects to LDAP using a secure port.

  • startTLS : true/false - Start SSL/TLS encryption before LDAP authentication takes place, set this to true if your LDAP server uses StartTLS.
  • base: A base DN is the point from which AxonOps wil search for users or groups.
  • bindDN : The DN of the user who has access to bind to LDAP.
  • bindPassword : The bindDN user's password.
  • userFilter : This is the LDAP filter that AxonOps will use to locate users.

      Some examples could be 
      - (uid=%s) : Search for users by using the LDAP "uid" field.
      - (cn=%s) : Search for users by using the "cn" (Common Name) field.
  • rolesAttribute : The LDAP attribute that contains the user's list of groups.

  • rolesMapping : Mapping of LDAP user/groups to AxonOps security groups.

Role Mapping

The rolesMapping has multiple levels based on the configuration of your AxonOps setup :

Please Note :

Values in UPPERCASE need to be updated with your configuration specific values.

  • _global_ : Roles assigned to the global scope apply to all clusters connected to AxonOps
  • ORGANISATIONNAME/CLUSTER_TYPE: Roles assigned to this scope apply to all clusters of the specified type,
  • ORGANISATIONNAME/CLUSTER_TYPE/CLUSTER_NAME : Roles assigned to this scope apply to a single cluster.

ORGANISATIONNAME : The name of your organisation as shown in the AxonOps frontend, should be equal to the org_name option in axon-server.yml

CLUSTER_TYPE : cassandra or kafka

CLUSTER_NAME : The name of the cluster as shown in the AxonOps frontend.

For the above levels there are 4 role mappings which are required fields :

  • superUserRole : The Super user which has permission to do everything on AxonOps setup.
  • adminRole : Similar to superUserRole but cannot configure AxonOps settings or log collectors.
  • backupAdminRole : The user that has adminstration priviledges to create and manage backups. Has read only access to the rest of the AxonOps server pages and components.
  • readOnlyRole : A basic read-only role that cannot modify any configuration in AxonOps.

Distinguished Names that are used in the role mappings can comprise of the following parts which define hierarchical structure in a LDAP directory.

  • CN = Common Name
  • OU = Organisational Unit
  • O = Organisation Name
  • DC = Domain Component

Example LDAP Role Mappings

Take Note

The default built-in LDAP OU names are case-sensitive.

The following examples can be configured differently based on your LDAP setup.

  • LDAP Groups or Distribution Groups :


    • cn = cassandra_superusers or cassandra__superusers group
    • ou = Groups or Distribution Groups
    • dc =
  • LDAP Users :


    • cn = The name of the user e.g. superuser
    • ou = Users
    • dc =

axon-server.yml configuration example

  enabled: true
  type: "LDAP" # only LDAP is supported for now
    host: ""
    port: 636
    useSSL: true
    startTLS: false
    insecureSkipVerify: false # If true then skip SSL/TLS certificate verification

    base: "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"   
    bindDN: "cn=administrator,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
    bindPassword: "##############"
    userFilter: "(cn=%s)"
    rolesAttribute: "memberOf"
    callAttempts: 3 # how many times to retry a connection to LDAP, in case of network issues.
        superUserRole: "cn=superuser,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        readOnlyRole: "cn=readonly,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        adminRole: "cn=admin,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        backupAdminRole: "cn=backupadmin,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        superUserRole: "cn=cassandra_superusers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        readOnlyRole: "cn=cassandra_readonly,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        adminRole: "cn=cassandra_admins,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        backupAdminRole: "cn=cassandra_backupadmins,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        superUserRole: "cn=cassandra_prod_superusers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        readOnlyRole: "cn=cassandra_prod_readonly,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        adminRole: "cn=cassandra_prod_admins,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
        backupAdminRole: "cn=cassandra_prod_backupadmins,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"