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Axon Agent Setup

AxonOps Cloud Agent Network Requirements

AxonOps agent connects securely to the following AxonOps Cloud service endpoint;

The TLS HTTPS connection initiated by the agent is upgraded to a WebSocket connection and thus requires WebSocket support in your corporate infrastructure, such as a secure web proxy service.

If you have a DNS based security policy then you will be required to allow outbound access to the following domain.

If you have an IP address based security policy you will be required to open access to the IP address ranges provided in the following links.

In order to test your connectivity execute the following command:


You should expect the following response:

AxonOps Agent Test Page

Step 1 - Setup the AxonOps repository and install AxonOps Agent

Select the OS Family.

Execute the following command to setup the AxonOps repository for your OS

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y curl gnupg ca-certificates
curl -L | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/axonops.gpg
echo "deb [arch=arm64,amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/axonops.gpg] axonops-apt main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/axonops-apt.list
sudo apt-get update

Step 2 - Install Cassandra Agent

Select the Cassandra Version

Select the Java Version.

sudo apt-get install axon-cassandra3.0-agent

Step 3 - Agent Configuration

Update and copy the below code snippet into /etc/axonops/axon-agent.yml file.

Please update the key and org values by logging into

  • Organization(org) name is next to the logo in the console
  • Agent Keys(key) found in Agent Setup

If there is a Dedicated NTP server in your Organization please uncomment and update the NTP section.

      hosts: ""


  # Specify the NTP server IP addresses or hostnames configured for your Cassandra hosts
  # if using Cassandra deployed in Kubernetes or if auto-detection fails.
  # The port defaults to 123 if not specified.
  # NTP:
  #    hosts:
  #        - "x.x.x.x:123"
  # Optionally restrict which commands can be executed by axon-agent.
  # If "true", only scripts placed in scripts_location can be executed by axon-agent.
  # disable_command_exec: false
  # If disable_command_exec is true then axon-agent is only allowed to execute scripts
  # under this path
  # scripts_location: /var/lib/axonops/scripts/

Set file permissions on /etc/axonops/axon-agent.yml file by executing the following command

sudo chmod 0644 /etc/axonops/axon-agent.yml

Step 4 - Configure Cassandra

Edit, usually located in your Cassandra install path such as:

/<Cassandra Installation Directory>/conf/

Add the following line at the end of the file:

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:/usr/share/axonops/axon-cassandra3.0-agent.jar=/etc/axonops/axon-agent.yml"

NB. Make sure that this configuration will not get overridden by an automation tool.

Step 5 - Add axonops user to Cassandra user group and Cassandra user to axonops group

sudo usermod -aG <your_cassandra_group> axonops
sudo usermod -aG axonops <your_cassandra_user>

Step 6 - Start/Restart Cassandra

To load the Axon java agent and Cassandra config changes please,

  • Start the Cassandra service if stopped.
  • Restart the Cassandra service if already running.

Step 7 - Start axon-agent

sudo systemctl start axon-agent

Once the Agents have been setup please use the Using AxonOps to familiarise yourself with AxonOps UI.