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Installing axon-agent for Cassandra in Docker


  • Cassandra logs cannot normally be collected by AxonOps as they are sent to stdout and handled by the Docker logging driver
  • If axon-agent is running under Docker it assumes that the Cassandra user's GID is 999 as it is in the official Cassandra images. If this is not the case then AxonOps may not be able to backup the Cassandra data.

To enable the full functionality of the AxonOps agent some directories must be accessible to both the Cassandra and AxonOps Agent processes.

Directory Required Description
/var/lib/axonops Required Contains UNIX domain sockets, Cassandra agent jars and local data stored by the agent. This directory must be readable and writable by Cassandra and AxonOps
/etc/axonops Required Contains the configuration for AxonOps. This directory must be readable by Cassandra and AxonOps
/var/log/axonops Required The Cassandra agent will write logs to this directory where they will be buffered and sent to the AxonOps server This directory must be writable by Cassandra and readable by AxonOps
/var/lib/cassandra Optional For the backups feature to function correctly the Cassandra data directory must be readable by the AxonOps agent

When running Cassandra under Docker it is possible to run the AxonOps agent either on the host or in another Docker container. When installing on the host follow the instructions under AxonOps Cassandra agent installation to install the agent and ensure that the appropriate directories are mapped into the Cassandra container.

Example with Docker Compose

This example shows running a single Cassandra node and the AxonOps agent under Docker Compose using host volumes to share data between the containers.

version: "3"

    image: cassandra:4.0
    container_name: cassandra
    restart: always
      - ./cassandra:/var/lib/cassandra
      - ./axonops/var:/var/lib/axonops
      - ./axonops/etc:/etc/axonops
      - ./axonops/log:/var/log/axonops
      - "9042:9042"
      - JVM_EXTRA_OPTS=-javaagent:/var/lib/axonops/axon-cassandra4.0-agent.jar=/etc/axonops/axon-agent.yml
      - CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster

    restart: always
      # Enter the hostname or IP address of your AxonOps server here
      - ./cassandra:/var/lib/cassandra
      - ./axonops/var:/var/lib/axonops
      - ./axonops/etc:/etc/axonops
      - ./axonops/log:/var/log/axonops