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Remote backups

Note that axonops user will need read access on Cassandra data folders to be able to perform a remote backup.

When selecting Remote backups there is some basic config presets.

Transfers (File Transfer Parallelism)

The number of file transfers to run in parallel. It can be beneficial to set this to a smaller number if the remote is giving timeouts. You can set this to a bigger number or leave it at 0 if you have lots of bandwidth and a fast remote.

TPS Limit

If you are getting errors from the cloud storage provider then you need to start adjusting this limit.

The default is 0

Storage provider errors consist of getting you banned or imposing rate limits.

A transaction is any of but not limited to, PUT/GET/POST calls to the Storage backend.

Different Storage providers have different limits.

  • Amazon S3 has a limit of 5,500 GET requests per second per partitioned prefix.More here
  • Google Cloud Storage has an approximate limit of 1,000 READ and 5,000 WRITE requests per second.More here
  • Azure Blob Storage has a limit of 20,000 requests per second per storage account. More here

Bandwidth Limit

This will allow you to set a limit on how much data you want to transfer to your Storage provider during backups. Note that the units are Byte/s, not bit/s. Typically connections are measured in bit/s - to convert divide by 8. For example, let's say you have a 10 Mbit/s connection and you wish AxonOps to use half of it - 5 Mbit/s. You will calculate the limit value as 5MB/8 = 0.625 MiB/s. The value you would set it 0.625

In most modern storage systems the value is not normally this low but if you have a VPN Gateway connection setup between an on-premise cluster and a storage provider that has a 100MB connection you could potentially limit how much of the pipe gets used by backups.

The available remote options are:

  • AWS S3
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • local filesystem
  • Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
  • S3 Compatible